RAC (Resident Architectural Committee)
All Kings Contrivance Village residents 18 years or older whose properties are in compliance with the covenants are eligible to be appointed to the Resident Architectural Committee (RAC). Members of the RAC are appointed by the Village Board each September. RAC meetings are usually held twice each month. RAC members review exterior alteration applications by visiting properties that have submitted applications. The RAC members vote whether the proposed alteration(s) is in accordance with the village covenants and makes a recommendation to the Architectural Committee (AC). Applications can be approved, approved with provisions/exceptions, or denied. While the AC is not bound to accept the RAC recommendation, the AC generally follows the RAC’s recommendation.

Election Committee
Any member of the village eligible to vote in the election and not a candidate for any office in the election is eligible for membership to the Election Committee. The Election Committee is responsible for the proper conduct of the annual elections to include validating nomination petitions, officiating candidates’ night (in the event of a race), and issuing, receiving and accounting all ballots. The Village Board appoints the members to the committee every year. If you are interested in serving on this committee, please contact the Village Manager at [email protected] or (410) 381-9600.

Aging Well in Columbia Advocacy Committee Representative
Janet Cornick


Watershed Advisory Committee Representative
Kate Reilly

Please contact Kate Reilly at [email protected]

KC CARES Environmental Group
KC CARES (Community Action and Resources for Environmental Stewardship) is an environmental group focused on the Village of Kings Contrivance. KC CARES is working to implement several environmental programs in the village. Check out this video to learn more about what KC CARES does.

Join Kings Contrivance’s environmental group at [email protected] and learn about opportunities for environmental action, education, and volunteering within our own village, including the Adopt-a-spot and the Weed Warriors programs.

Adopt-A-Spot Program

Adopt-A-Spot is an exciting new program available to CA’s certified Weed Warriors. The program recognizes spots in open space where Weed Warriors have been removing non-native invasive plants and replacing them with native plants through repeated Pull and Plant Events. The Adopt-A-Spot program also provides Weed Warriors with the opportunity to work with CA staff and select new spots to begin the process of removing unwanted non-native invasive plants and replacing them with more desirable native plants.

Check out this Adopt-a-Spot map for our Village!

Click here to learn about living next to CA Open Space.